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"No more pinch in my shoulders. I'm able to workout harder, and without pain. No one else was able to fix this. I wish I knew about this sooner."

Aaron C, client

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Ready to feel better?

I'm running my 4th Boston marathon as a member of the Boston Fire Department team. At 42 years old I often find the aches and pains of training for a marathon tough to deal with, but we do it for the causes we represent. I went to see Liliana for the first time after my doctor recommended Active Release Therapy for my chronic lower back injuries and owe a lot of my good health to her. I have been treated by her for a myriad of things from pre-and post race massage work, injury prevention and actual therapy for injuries themselves. And she'll be there cheering me on as I cross the finish line on April 18th."

Mike M, client


How Was Your Experience?

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